Gonzalo Arias, CEO, Amitech "Anti-cyclic Policies and Large Investments in
Infrastructure is Generating Demand for Composites in Brazil"
Founded in 1999 in the city of Ipeuna (SP), Amitech Brazil is the largest local
manufacturer of tubes of polyester reinforced with glass fibers (PRFV). Sua planta
tem capacidade para produzir tubulacões de 300 mm a 3.000 mm de diâmetro, com pressões
de trabalho de até 32 kgf/cm². Amitech is the only Brazilian company capable to
produce pipes of PRFV for the process of rolling up to filamentar (filament
winding) and for centrifugalization (CPRFV).A Amitech é controlada por dois grupos internacionais: a colombiana
Inversiones Mundial, que detém 70% de participação, ea saudita Amiantit, responsável
pelos outros 30%. The plant has capacity to produce pipes of 300
mm to 3,000 mm in diameter with working pressures of up to 32 kgf / cm ².Entre seus principais clientes, destaque aos setores de saneamento
básico, geração de energia (Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas - PCHs), agrícola e
industrial. The Amitech is controlled by two international groups: the
Colombian World Investments, which holds 70% stake and Saudi Amiantit responsible
for another 30%.
A Inversiones Mundial foi fundada em 1921 e está presente em países como Colômbia,
Venezuela, Equador, México, Brasil, Chile e Argentina. The World Investment operates
under the holding-TEK, which keeps plants in Brazil, Colombia,
Argentina, and soon in Mexico. Juntas, as quatro unidades têm capacidade para produzir
1.300 km/ano. Together, the four units are capable of producing 1,300 km / year.
It produces resins, paints, chemicals, consumer goods and tubes. A Amiantit, por sua vez, é a maior fabricante mundial de tubos
e acessórios de PRFV.The Amiantit, is the largest global manufacturer
of pipes and fittings PRFV. Opera
fábricas na Alemanha, Arábia Saudita, China, Dubai, Egito, Guiné Equatorial, Espanha,
Estados Unidos, Índia, Itália, Polônia, África do Sul e Turquia, entre outros países.
Além de contar com o certificado
de qualidade ISO 9001:2000 - bem como a certificação ambiental ISO 14001:2004 –
a Amitech fabrica somente tubulações ajustadas às normas técnicas internacionais,
como AWWA C-950 e ISO 10467 e 10639.Besides Having the certificate of
quality ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 environmental certification, Amitech adjusted
to international standards such as AWWA C-950 and ISO 10467 and 10639. A empresa também participou ativamente da elaboração da norma
brasileira NBR 15536, publicada em novembro de 2007, que estabelece os parâmetros
de inspeção no recebimento e desempenho dos tubos e conexões de PRFV utilizados
em obras de saneamento básico. The company also participated actively
in drafting the Brazilian standard NBR 15536, published in November 2007, establishing
the parameters of inspection on receipt and performance of pipes and connections
from PRFV used in works of sanitation. In an exclusive interview CEO, Gonzalo
Arias shares his experience with Editor, Lucintel, K. Venkateshwar.
Rao. Excerpts:
1. What are the key drivers for composite consumption in Brazil?
Gonzalo Arias: It depends on each specific application, but in
general terms we can mention economic growth, investments in infrastructure, cost
structure relative to traditional materials and a better understanding of the engineering
community and end users about how to design and use composites.
2.What are some of the key challenges faced by your company in the composites market?
Gonzalo Arias: The resistance to change traditional materials by
composites is still high and demands education of engineers in design, installation
and operation of projects with our product. This is an everyday activity. Another
major challenge is the management of the risk due to the cycles of each project
and the fluctuations in raw material costs. It is very common that the infrastructure
projects have contracts with fixed values for extended periods and the raw material
cost varies along with the fluctuations of the commodities and also with exchange
3. Tell us about the impact of government policies on composite industry?
Gonzalo Arias: The impact of the policies from the government is
very high. Especially the direct effect of anti-cyclic policies with large investments
in infrastructure impacts positively the demand of materials. Indirectly,
macroeconomic policies to reduce cost of capital, inflation and keeping stability
in the exchange rate are in favor of long term investments that benefits the industry
in general.
4.Key challenges faced by composite end-users?
Gonzalo Arias: In my opinion the major challenges are in the hands
of the leaders of the industry that has to teach and demonstrate end-users the benefits
of the use of composites in its different applications and the best way to operate
and maintain them over the time.
5. Emerging applications that you foresee to have a significant bearing on the composites
Gonzalo Arias: In general, I see a big potential of growth in products
related to infrastructure (pipes, treatment plants, tanks, composites to improve
concrete properties, etc)
6. How has global slowdown affected the market? How has been your organization's
growth in the last 2-3 years and how do your foresee the growth forward?
Gonzalo Arias: The demand was severally affected in the last quarter
of 2008 and first quarter 2009. The real devaluation, slow down in public contracting
and restrictions in credit to private companies affected the progress in many projects
in the country. For the second quarter we see an improvement and we foresee that
the demand will recover by second half of the year. Our company basically doubled
their activity in 2008 compared to 2007. The introduction of the Flowtite technology
(continuous filament winding process), together with a higher demand and market
penetration allowed us to increase significantly our sales in spite of the decreased
we saw in the last quarter 2008. We expect to have similar figures this year and
a rate of growth of about 20% for the next two years.
7. Do you see high-potential for composites in the market? If yes, what are some
of reasons for the same?
Gonzalo Arias: Yes I do. Some reason are the lack of knowledge that in general end
users still have about composites, the opportunities that exists in incorporating
new technologies with better process control and higher scales of production, and
the incredible possibilities that exist in custom design solutions in many plications
with composites that are still unexplored in the market.
For further information on Brazil Composite Industry please check the link "Growth Opportunities in the Brazilian Composites
Market 2008-2013, September, 2008, NEW "